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Social Media

People Use Social Media For 2 Things: Building Relationships & Having Fun.
The Key To Success Is Enabling Your Audience To Do Both.
resource-efficient content marketing

B2B Brand Strategy

Many B2B Brands Miss The Mark When It Comes To Social Media.
They Treat It As Another Advertising Channel

I help B2B brands enable their audience to do both. I have perfected a system of content creation and repurposing that can generate tons of content for your website, social media, and email campaigns from a single 45-minute recording of your subject matter expert. I combine that content engine with social selling training for public-facing teams to create the perfect social-media focused GTM strategy.

The Keys To Success In Social Media For B2B:
  • Elevate your SMEs to thought leader status
  • Efficiently create content to satisfy the pace of social media feeds without sacrificing quality
  • Build a community around your SME by featuring them heavily in your content

B2B Brands Are Allowed To Have Fun Too

Consumer brand marketing has devolved into pure entertainment content.
B2B doesn't need to go that far, but we can still have some fun.

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